Putting the Learning in Case Learning? The Effects of Case-Based Approaches on Student Knowledge, Attitudes, and Engagement


  • Matthew Krain The College of Wooster Author


This study revisits case learning's effects on student engagement and assesses student learning as a result of the use of case studies and problem-based learning. The author replicates a previous study that used indirect assessment techniques to get at case learning's impact, and then extends the analysis using a pre- and post-test experimental design to test whether case learning tools yield differential learning gains. Results confirm that while active learning does not lead to greater knowledge gains, it does often lead to different types of learning gains. Case-based materials led students to recall more about the texts used, and learn more about the cases being examined, and helped students gain a better understanding of central ideas and theoretical concepts than did control units without case-based approaches, confirming much of the previous research in this area.

