Keeping Students "on Their Toes and on Their Game": Serendipitous Findings in Students' Assessments and Reactions


  • Kathie L. Pelletier California State University, San Bernardino Author


This study extends the empirical findings of the use of continuous, lecture-embedded assessments to increase engagement and enhance learning. Outcome data (exam performance and attendance rates) from college students in three upper-division business course sections who took quizzes and wrote two-minute papers (test group) were compared to outcome data in the same course in which the assignments were not given (control group). Students in the test group reported increased engagement, motivation to study, self-efficacy, and more thorough note taking, and they attributed these improvements to the assessments. Serendipitous findings were positive group dynamics, development of comprehensive study plans, and a greater appreciation of how theory informs practice. Implications are discussed.

