Montessori Goes to College: A Qualitative Study of Incidental Learning in the Bailey Scholars Curriculum


  • Pat Crawford Michigan State University Author
  • G. Blue Brazelton Michigan State University and University of North Texas Author
  • Robert Dalton Michigan State University Author
  • Kamahra Ewing Michigan State University Author
  • Sihua Hu Michigan State University Author
  • Amber N. Johnson Michigan State University Author


Incidental learning is an important, yet often overlooked, aspect of curriculum. This study evaluated 166 course reflections dated 2002-2011 in the Bailey Scholars Program (a self-directed, learner-centered curriculum). The study utilized 21 incidental learning characteristics to code and analyze the course evaluations. The authors propose a new Incidental Learning Framework to assist with fostering student transitions to a learner- and self-directed curriculum. The progression of students, from a focus on individual learning skills in the entry-level course to collaborative learning skills in the matriculation course, supports that incidental learning is an incremental process in need of complex pedagogical strategies to allow students to build upon and master these skills.

