Views of Students and Teaching Practices: Perspectives of Faculty at Open Access, Broad Access, or Regionally Based Institutions


  • Aimee LaPointe Terosky Saint Joseph's University Author


teaching, pedagogy, prestige model, faculty, students


This qualitative study examines how 50 professors employed at open access, broad access, or regionally based institutions view their students and the ways in which these views influence their teaching practices. Analysis found that participants fell into one of two categories: (a) those following a nuanced understanding of the prestige model, namely by initially or over time recognizing situational constraints placed on students' academic talents; or (b) those accepting the prestige model by viewing students as less academically able than those enrolled in highly selective institutions. All but three participants altered their teaching practices to address students' constraints by facilitating critical and creative thinking, modeling the learning process, providing supports for students' needs, and/or applying experiential learning. Implications for practice are suggested.

