The Impact of Video Proctoring in Online Courses


  • Helaine Alessio Miami University Author
  • Karsten Maurer Miami University Author


With the meteoric rise of online course offerings, the development and adoption of software tools has been integral to the quality of the educational experience. There are substantial concerns regarding academic integrity during online test taking, which sacrifices much of the instructor's control over the testing environment in favor of allowing students the asynchronous flexibility that is essential in courses administered online. Video proctoring software has been a key technology for returning some control over the testing environment to the instructor. The authors analyzed the change in grade distributions across 29 courses and instructors on a college campus before and after video proctoring was made widely available. They found that the average course grade point average scores were significantly reduced after the adoption of the proctoring software, suggesting that academic integrity is compromised when online exams are left unproctored.

