Forming Student Teams With the Kolbe A(TM) Index: The Effect on Student Satisfaction With Teamwork


  • Staci N. Johnson Southern Wesleyan University Author
  • Claire L. A. Dancz Clemson University Author
  • Aubrie L. Pfirman Lander University Author
  • Khushikumari Patel Susquehanna University Author


conation, team development interventions, undergraduate education


The ability to work effectively in teams is an essential skill. There has been recent interest in applying knowledge of striving instincts to improve student attitudes and performance within teams. The authors report results from a mixed-methods study examining the impact of utilizing striving instinct categories for team formation, along with training about these categories, on student attitudes about their team. Their results indicate significant positive effects on team communication, cohesion, and mutual respect. While this study was conducted with a single class, the promising results suggest that additional study with a larger sample size is warranted.

