Scaffolding + Support + Problem-Driven Learning = A Recipe for Effective Group Work in the Biomedical Engineering Classroom


  • Mahauganee D. Shaw Bonds Buoyant Consulting, LLC Author
  • Wendy C. Newstetter Georgia Institute of Technology Author
  • Madison Kukura Edwards Lifesciences Author
  • Megha Desai Georgia Institute of Technology Author
  • Joseph Le Doux Georgia Institute of Technology Author


group work, problem based learning, scaffolding


Group projects center learning as a collaborative process, but they often produce mixed results in terms of student commitment and final products. The authors outline their experience with a course designed to engage undergraduate biomedical engineering students in a semester-long group experience and share data from their students’ analyses of their group processes. They argue that with the proper supports—a carefully scaffolded assignment, instructional support, skilled facilitators, and proper resources—group work becomes a positive learning experience for all involved. Overlaid with previous research on the common challenges of group work, their findings offer instructional lessons for each phase of a group project.

