Flip or Not? Evaluating the Effectiveness of the Flipped Classroom in Hong Kong Higher Education


  • Paul Lam The Chinese University of Hong Kong Author
  • Hilary K. Y. Ng The Chinese University of Hong Kong Author
  • Carmen K. M. Lau The Chinese University of Hong Kong Author
  • Alan H. H. Tse The Chinese University of Hong Kong Author


flipped classroom


Is it worth the time and effort to overcome the challenges to flipping the classroom? To answer this question, we recruited university students from five government-funded universities in Hong Kong. They were asked to complete two surveys with the same measurements before and after the flipped lessons. The results from round 1 of students’ pre- and post-flip learning outcomes did not show significant differences; however, students’ critical thinking ability and interpersonal skills were significantly improved in round 2. The authors’ findings suggest that the benefits of the flipped classroom may depend on contextual factors that warrant additional discussion.

