Transforming Undergraduate Research Methods Courses Using Social Justice Pedagogy: A Pre-Post Analysis


  • Nicole D. Bolter San Francisco State University Author
  • Sherria D. Taylor San Francisco State University Author
  • Dulce H. Gomez Auburn University Author
  • Michele Eliason San Francisco State University Author
  • Juliana Van Olphen San Francisco State University Author
  • Maria J. Veri San Francisco State University Author


underrepresented minority students, STEM, sense of belonging, stereotype threat, statistics


Undergraduate research methods courses help shape students’ perceptions about research. Given the lack of diverse researchers in STEM fields, these perceptions are particularly important for underrepresented minorities. This study tested a social justice pedagogy intervention to determine the effects on various psychosocial constructs. Three differences emerged: Students in intervention classrooms (n = 81) had a stronger desire to give back to their community and greater intentions to become involved in research as an undergraduate, while students in comparison classes (n = 54) had greater increases in researcher self-efficacy.

