Continuous Improvement Applied to an Online Doctoral Course: Cultivating a Sense of Community and Scholarly Conversation


  • Carey Borkoski Johns Hopkins University Author
  • Sara Donaldson Wheaton College Author
  • Karen Caldwell State University of New York, Potsdam Author


community of inquiry, continuous improvement, bridging media


The transactional distance created by asynchronous online course formats poses unique challenges to the development of a collaborative learning environment. The lack of face-to-face interaction also challenges instructors’ ability to make adaptive changes to course content in response to emerging student needs. The authors describe a professor’s process of continuous improvement in an online doctoral course to create a collaborative learning environment. Leveraging available communication technologies and bridging media cultivated a supportive community of inquiry, including social, cognitive, and teaching presence. The authors describe the identified problem, course goals, and process of this work, as well as a brief summary of students’ feedback about their experiences with this process.


