“A Coach and Not a Dictator”: How Faculty Establish Credibility Within Required Undergraduate Diversity Courses


  • Ryan A. Miller University of North Carolina at Charlotte Author
  • Cathy D. Howell University of North Carolina at Charlotte Author
  • Shawn Knight University of North Carolina at Charlotte Author


diversity course, faculty credibility, faculty authority


Increasingly, colleges and universities require at least one diversity course as part of general education programs. Students in required undergraduate diversity courses may challenge the credibility and authority of their instructors, particularly if these faculty members belong to minoritized social identity groups. The authors report on interviews with 68 faculty members teaching required diversity courses at five predominantly White colleges and universities in the southern United States, detailing how they established credibility and authority within required diversity courses. Focusing on instructor perceptions of how they attempted to establish credibility can be instructive for faculty, educational developers, and administrators.

