A Study of Student Perceptions of Office Hours


  • Lake Ritter Kennesaw State University Author
  • Christina Scherrer Kennesaw State University Author
  • Jennifer Vandenbussche Kennesaw State University Author
  • Jessica Whipple Kennesaw State University Author


office hours, faculty-student interaction, out-of-class interaction, required office hours


Office hours are an essential component of the faculty-student relationship. At present, however, few rigorous studies are available to guide faculty toward best practices in their implementation. In this study, the authors analyze survey results (n = 169) from a calculus course that included required office hours attendance. Results are presented on student perceptions of office hours’ academic usefulness, when and why to use office hours, social ramifications related to office hours, and attributes of those who use office hours. Trends from beginning to end of semester as well as differences in perceptions between heavy and light office hour utilizers are presented.

