A New Goal for Professional Development: A Case Study of How a Professional Learning Community Produced Transformative Faculty Learning


  • Charlie Sweet Eastern Kentucky University Author
  • Shirley O'Brien Eastern Kentucky University Author
  • Hal Blythe Eastern Kentucky University Author
  • Russell Carpenter Eastern Kentucky University Author




As professional development becomes more important for 21st-century higher education faculty, new goals and opportunities arise. According to Cranton and King (2003), one goal of professional development “must be” transformative learning (p. 32). In response, the authors created a professional learning community on the scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL) to determine whether participating faculty could be transformed from their traditional belief in the tripartite workload (teaching, scholarship, and service) as three distinct entities to the more contemporary viewpoint of the teacher-scholar, who seamlessly combines two of the three roles. This case study demonstrates that such a transformation is indeed possible.


