Impact of the COPEL on Active-Learning Revisions to an Introductory Geology Course: Focus on Student Development


  • Michael R. Brudzinski Miami University Author
  • Janelle J. Sikorski Miami University Author


In the autumn of 2008 the authors applied to and were accepted into the Community of Practice on Engaged Learning (COPEL) at Miami University. We were interested in participating in this group because our initial vision for course redesign of our large-enrollment (90-200 students) introductory course “The Dynamic Earth” (GLG 111) involved incorporating more in-class, student-centered activities, which we saw as a form of engaged learning. Unsatisfactory experiences from our trial semester of this revised course also motivated us to seek additional guidance and inspiration. Over the next two years, our participation in the COPEL transformed our beliefs about ourselves as instructors, about our students, and about the process of learning.


